

Explanation of words and technical terms used for UAS flight.

AGL: Above Ground Level, used to indicate flight height for distances close to ground. The FASE Micro-Copter fly at low height as permitted by flight rules of the location. For Luxembourg it is up to 50 m AGL for open terrain. The low height provides a birds eye view, while assuring close proximity to the building or installation to be photographed. For other countries, e.g. Germany, the flight permit will allow flight height of typical up to 100 m AGL.

DAC: Direction de l'Aviation Civile. DAC is the department of Ministère des Transports that administrate the airspace in Luxembourg, provides flight licence and authorize flights with UAS.

GNSS: Global Network of Satellite System. This is official term for satellite navigation, most well-known is GPS but other systems such as Glonass (Russia) and Galileo (EU) are appearing. The FASE Micro-Copter uses GPS for positioning.

Octo-Copter: The FASE Micro-Copter is a multi-rotor-helicopter. Multi-rotors are sub-classified based on number of rotors, most common types as quad-copter (4 rotors), hexa-copter (6 rotors) or octo-copter (8 rotors). FASE Micro-Copter is an octo-copter. The 8 rotors assures redundancy for safe operation similar to how a RAID5 disk system will continue working even in the event of disk stop working.

UAS: Unmanned Aircraft System. An aircraft or flying device that is remote piloted while the pilot stays on the ground. It is the official term, but many other words are also used. UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), drone, micro-copter, robotic aircraft or RPAS (Remote Piloted Aircraft System).